Download Line Sticker Hack

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After wrote about “Getting Started LINE Creator Market” for a while, I think I can use technology to speed up our LINE Sticker’s workflow.

What I am thinking about is: Photoshop template.

You can download “LINE Sticker Export Template” for free as Adobe Add-on here, feel free to feedback me. 🙂

NOTE: I want to thank Kajorn Bhirakit and Songvut Kositarut for help me about technical problem to create this template.

Using Adobe Photoshop CC for LINE Sticker’s creation

If you still don’t use Adobe Photoshop CC (a part of Adobe Creative Cloud) I think you’re missing a big opportunity.

So I recorded a video to demonstrate how to use this template. The video will show you 2 impressive features in Adobe Photoshop CC: Place Linked and Image Asset Generator. You’d love them. 🙂

You can download this template from my Behance project here.

** I also update layer’s name to match file’s name that LINE Creator Market required.

“Place Linked” in Adobe Photoshop CC

Before we have this feature, we wasted time to edit and replace the original asset we put in PSD file.

Place Linked is an improved workflow of using Smart object, which make modification original asset in your work easier.

By place asset into your work via “Place Linked” as smart object, it’d be up-to-date.

Download Line Sticker Hack

Download Line Sticker Hacks

You change the original file? up-to-date. You change the original file after close the PSD? re-open PSD and Photoshop will noticed updated and let you decide do you want to update smart object to latest update of original file.

“Image Asset Generator” in Photoshop CC

With “Image Asset Generator”, you can name layer or group layer with a file extension. This would tell Photoshop to extract layer into graphic asset without use of any export button.

If the template, I already name each layer’s name to match LINE Creator Market’s criteria. So you just enable layer mask and activate Image Asset Generator, then zip all assets for upload immediately.

Download Line Sticker Hacker

Learn about how to use “Image Asset generator” from Adobe’s blog here.

Download Line Sticker Hacked

Don’t forget to follow other story in “Getting Started LINE Creator Market” here.