Internet Connection Speed Hack Download

  • To get a faster internet speed using OpenDNS, open Control Panel. Go to Network and Sharing Center. Here, click the name of the network connection, be it WiFi or Ethernet. On the next window that.
  • If you run a speed test and happen to see that your upload/download is also low, that might be a sign of a buggy router. Power cycle your router and give it another shot. If load times are still unusually high – you can almost be sure it’s your provider. Use a Wired Connection. Oftentimes the added luxury of mobility is a hindrance to our.

Increase your download speeds by up to 600 percent. Dial up connections will usually see an increase of speed of about 100 to 200 percent, while higher-speed connections such as cable modems, ISDN, 56K, and DSL will usually see increases of 200 to 600 percent.

Howto speed up your Internet connection.
Myth 7:Windowsis already perfectly configured for a fast internet connection.Internet Connection Speed Hack Download

Fact:There are many things you can do to speed up your connection Here is a few:
Fine Tuning Windows
Windows is not typically configured for fast Internet access using a modem. Itis optimized for an Ethernet card. This translates into poorer performance foryou. Let's go over a few steps on what you can do to increase your performance.Using SpeedTec ,InternetTweak, and TweakDUN you can optimize your connection. These programs modify your registry, so usethem at your own risk.
To use these programs to optimize your Registry, you must adjust at least one ofthe four settings below.
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit)
MTU is an IP network setting known in the Windows Registry as MaxMTU. Thissetting dictates how big your packets are. Usually the standard packet settingshould be 576. ISP?s say that the smaller the packets the better chance thatdata can get through with out being corrupted.
It's easy to change the MTU on your PC, and you can do it without using theprograms recommended here or going through the Registry editor.
1. Right-click the Network Neighborhood icon on your Windows 98 desktop andselect Properties.
2. Select the Configuration tab and highlight Dial-Up Adapter in the NetworkComponents pane. Click the Properties button below the pane.
3. Select the Advanced tab and highlight IP Packet Size. In the Value pane,select Large for 1,500 bytes or Small for 576 bytes. Click OK and restart yourcomputer.
4. Test your connection at MSN Computing Central.
MSS (Maximum Segment Size)
The maximum segment size is a value that two Internet hosts use to negotiate thesize of the MTU they will use to exchange data. It should be set at a value of40 less than the MTU size (or 536 on a standard dial-up line). A correctly setMSS ensures that packets are transmitted properly.
RWin (Default Receive Window)
This IP network setting (DefaultRcvWindows) is the amount of data that yourcomputer can receive before it has to send an acknowledgment to the host. Thedefault setting in Windows 98 is 8,192 bytes; SpeedTec recommends a setting of16 times MSS (23,360 bytes if you're at an MSS of 1,460 bytes); TweakDUN andInternetTweak both recommend a multiple of 4. Go ahead and experiment to findout what is best for you.
TTL (Time to Live)
This network setting establishes the number of hops across servers that a datapacket can take before it expires. The Windows 98 default is 128, which is alsorecommended by SpeedTec. TweakDUN and InternetTweak suggest 64.
You can use all these programs we just suggested for you. You also can do it byhand.
Hand-Edit Your Registry Settings
You can choose to do things the hard way. Go into your Windows 95 Registry andedit them yourself. This is certainly not for beginners and we are warning you.Go at your own risk.
1. Back up your Registry. Refer to the second commandment of Registry editing.
2. In Windows 98, click the Start button and select Run. Type regedit, and clickOK.
3. Find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEEnumRootNet. Below it is a series ofnumbered subkeys (0000, 0001, 0002, and so on). Highlight each numbered subkeyin turn until you find the value DeviceDesc equal to Dial-Up Adapter.
4. Now drop another subkey level to Bindings. Highlight that subkey and look fora string that begins with MSTCP. It will be followed by a four-digit number (forexample, MSTCP0000). Write down the number.
5. Find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEEnumNetworkMSTCP and highlight the subkeywith the four-digit number in Step 4. Look for the Driver value, which will beequal to NetTrans0000 (or 0001, and so on). Note that four-digit number for thenext step.
6. Drop down to the keyHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesClassNetTrans, andhighlight the subkey that shares the four-digit number from step 5. Right-clickand choose New/String Value. Name the string value MaxMTU. Right-click thevalue, choose Modify, and set the value to 1500. Next, add a string value namedMaxMSS. Set it to 1460.
7. Exit the Registry. Restart your computer.
You're not finished yet, but you shouldn't make many changes to the Registrywithout testing the system. Restart your system now. If it restarts smoothly,proceed to the next step. If not, restore the old settings from your backup andtry again, if you dare.
1. Back up your Registry under yet another name, different from the one before.
2. Click the Start button and select Run. Type regedit and click OK.
3. Click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesVxDMSTCP.
4. Right-click a blank space in the right-hand pane and select New/String Value.Name the string DefaultRcvWindow. Right-click the DefaultRcvWindow string andselect Modify. Enter the Value data as 5840 or 8760 (four or six times theMaxMSS value).
5. Right-click a blank space in the right-hand pane and select New/String Value.Name the string DefaultTTL. Right-click the DefaultTTL string and enter theValue data as 128.
6. Click the Registry menu and select Exit.
7. Restart Windows.

Myth8:Usingthe domain name is always faster that using the IP.

Fact:True and false. True for the point that it is easy to remember. False because ittakes your browser longer to locate the IP address.
What Do I Suggest? Create an IP List!
The Internet is based on numbers, IP numbers. These have existed long beforenames ever surfaced. Names are simply for our convenience. When you put say? in the browser, it has to go to the Domain Name Server or DNS forshort and fine this IP, then it starts downloading the page. This takes time.
To get around it, I suggest keeping your own DNS database. Start a text filewith the numbers instead of the names. There is no DNS resolution therefore itcan speed up your Internet time.
The easiest way to collect and cache those IP addresses is to download SpeedTecor TweakDUN. Their button-driven interfaces let you amass a hosts file withouttyping anything. Both programs are stable, inexpensive, and a snap to installand use.
You can also do this by hand by:
1. In Windows 98, click the Start button and select Run. Type command.
2. In the Open window, type ping, followed by a site's name (for example,
You should find a number in this format These numbers symbolizethe format only, not what it will actually be. To save these numbers do thefollowing:
1. In Windows 98, click the Start button and selectPrograms/Accessories/Notepad.
2. Type the IP address you just copied into the text file and follow it with aspace and the domain name (for example,
3. Under the File menu, select Save and save the file in your Windows folder as'hosts' (not 'hosts.txt').
Be sure to label each number so that you know what is what.

Myth9:Itdoes not matter what my homepage is.

Fact:It does matter. Usually when browsers are installed they like to make thehomepage their home site. Like Microsoft Internet Explorer uses<>. This may be all fine and dandy but it takes time outof your precious day to load every time you load a browser. 99% of the time youdon?t want to look at that site anyway. Plus it takes up your bandwidth and yourprocessor gets used loading it.
Here is how to get rid of those nasty startup pages:
To load a blank page in Netscape Communicator 4.x:
1. Under the Edit menu, choose Preferences/Navigator.
2. Under Navigator Starts With, select Blank Page.
In Navigator 3.x:
1. Under the Options menu, select General Preferences and choose the Appearancetab.
2. Under Browser Starts With, select Blank Page.
In Internet Explorer 5:
1. Under the Tools menu, click Internet Options and select the General tab.
2. In the Home Page dialog box, click Use Blank. The next time you open yourbrowser, it will open the blank page file (about:blank).
In Internet Explorer 4:
1. Under the View menu, select Options and choose the General tab.
2. In the Home Page dialog box, click Use Blank. The next time you open yourbrowser, it will open the blank page file.

Myth10:Graphicsdon't take up any more bandwidth than text.

Fact:Huge misconception. Graphics are usually the very reason why WebPages take solong. People don't size down graphics efficiently so you find yourself in aworld of never ending senseless downloads. Here is how you turn of graphics:
To turn off graphics in Navigator 4.x:
1. Go to the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
2. Select Advanced and uncheck Automatically Load Images.
To turn off graphics, animation, and sound in Internet Explorer 4:
1. Go to the View menu, select Options, and choose the Advanced tab.
2. Uncheck the appropriate boxes.
In Internet Explorer 5:
1. Go to the Tools menu and select Internet Options.
2. Choose the Advanced tab and uncheck the Multimedia settings.
To get rid of Java in Navigator 4.x:
1. Go to the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
2. Select Advanced and uncheck Enable Java.
To get rid of Java and ActiveX in Internet Explorer 4:
1. Under the View menu, select Internet Options and the Security tab.
2. Under the Internet Zone, choose Custom/Settings.
3. Choose options that let you turn off or be warned about ActiveX Controls andJava applets.
To turn off Java in Internet Explorer 5:
1. Under the Tools menu, select Internet Options and the Security tab.
2. Click the Custom Level button.
3. Choose options that let you turn off or be warned about ActiveX Controls andJava applets.
Many sites have something called alternative text. This lets you know what thepicture means and why you should click on it.

Myth11:Cachingmakes no difference in the performance of your connection.


Fact:This can make one of the hugest differences. This allows your browser to returnto the site with out having to download all the graphics over again. They arestored on your hard drive locally hence the term cache. Now I am not talk aboutmoney either. This cache helps your connection appear to run faster by loadingstored files. We recommend a cache of 10,000K. Any more than this will becounter productive to your hard drive and will fragment it.
Here is how you do it:
To increase your cache size in Navigator 4.x:
1. Under the Edit menu, select Preferences, double-click Advanced, and selectCache.
2. Change the disk cache to 10,000K.
In Internet Explorer 4:
1. Under the View menu, select Internet Options and choose the General tab.
2. Under Temporary Internet Files, click Settings. Under 'Amount of diskspace to use,' drag the slider to the right. The amount to use depends onthe size of your hard disk, but it should be about 5 percent. (If you haverelatively little RAM and visit graphic-intensive sites, add a bit more to yourcache.)
In Internet Explorer 5:
1. Under the Tools menu, select Internet Options and choose the General tab.
2. Under Temporary Internet Files, click Settings. Under 'Amount of diskspace to use,' drag the slider to the right. The amount to use should beabout 5 percent of your hard disk.
If you surf a lot without returning to the same sites very often, it helps topurge the cache in the middle of your session.
To clear the cache in Navigator 4.x:
1. Under the Edit menu, select Preferences, double-click Advanced, and selectCache.
2. Click the Clear Memory Cache button.
In Internet Explorer 4:
1. Under the View menu, select Options and choose the General tab.
2. In the Temporary Internet Files dialog box, click Settings/Delete Files.
In Internet Explorer 5:
1. Under the Tools menu, select Internet Options and choose the General tab.
2. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click Delete Files and confirm thedeletion.
Keep in mind that your browsers cache is not selective and will cacheeverything.

Myth 12:DSLcan't be any faster than my regular phone line, because it uses my regular phoneline.

Fact:It is much faster, %2000 percent faster or more. It uses a range of sound wayhigher that normal phone lines uses. Phones use 0 to 8000 hertz while DSL uses8000 to 128,000 hertz.
It is easy to hear if you have line problems, just pick up the phone and listen.You will quickly be able to tell whether a line has problems or not. If itsounds like someone opening a gift then you have a line noise problem. Poorwiring, moisture, and location cause it.
You can pester your phone company to fix the connection, but be warned:telephone companies have a tendency to try to turn the tables with excuses suchas 'Your phone is probably faulty,' or 'It's your problem if youhave a computer on this line.'
If you cleaned up your phone line, customized the Windows Registry, and followedour other tips, and you still crave speed, consider abandoning your traditionalconnection altogether--or at least modifying it drastically. Your currentoptions for high-speed Internet access are cable connections, digital subscriberlines (DSL), and ISDN.
Cable Modems
Cable modems, theoretically can download at speeds up to 30 mbps. Cable howeveris not available on a large basis yet, and unless you live in a major city youprobably won?t get it. This is not to mention the fact that many people aresharing the speed therefore that in and of itself can slow you down.
DSL and Other Alternatives
Digital subscriber lines piggyback on your phone line to deliver data at up to6.1 mbps, yet they still leave room on the phone line for you to make a regularvoice call. DSL's bandwidth is guaranteed unlike a cable modem.
The only downside to DSL is that right now it's available only in urban parts ofthe country. DSL prices can range from $40 to $200 a month. The $40 accountwould be for a home user and the $200 would be for a business and much fasterthan the $40 account.
FreeDSL (<> and <>), anattractive-sounding alternative, is available only where DSL is alreadyinstalled, and it's free because you're forced to watch advertisementsconstantly scroll by in addition to those carried on Web sites.
Your last 2 options are ISDN and Satellite link. ISDN typically only connects at64kps and is hugely expensive. I knew of an office that had 2 ISDN lines andpaid $300 for it. I have never figured out why they are so much more expensiveand give so little.
Satellite Link
This option is worst off all. Although it is available anywhere, you can onlydownload, not upload from it. Unfortunately the only pay models I have seen fromoffers like these is on a pay per meg basis which like long distance, getsreally expensive really fast!

Myth13:Thereis no difference between 33.6 and 56.6k.

Fact:Thereis a huge difference depending on your phone line. For those of you who cannotget DSL or cable, and don?t want to go to the expense of getting a satellitelink, all I can say is upgrade your modem if you haven?t already.
If your ISP does not offer 56.6k then change ISP?s. Even though you may upgradeyour modem to 56.6k don?t expect HUGE miracles. Phone line quality as saidbefore could be the culprit for your less than desirable access speeds. Besidesit is against the law to connect at 56.6k anyway. The FCC made this law becauseof how strong a 56.6k connection is. It many cases it will bleed noise over toother peoples lines. Don?t worry though I have never seen a modem connect at56.6k anyway. The average I usually see is 40 to 48kps.
Some would ask: With all the obstacles, why even bother upgrading? Because byupgrading, you have the best chance of getting a good connection.
Be Careful While You Shop
I would not recommend buying a Winmodem. It uses your system resources to doit?s work, which can cripple your connection. Unless you have a super fastcomputer, buy a stand alone modem that relies on itself.
Two Modems, Twice the Speed
So, what else can you do to crank up your connectionspeed? Dial-up modemsaren't expected to become any faster; for that, you need DSL or a cable modem.
It is possible however to link up two modems into one data stream. This is madepossible by Windows 98. It makes the modems share the same resources therebycombining the data streams. This is called a multilink connection. It is quiteeasy to do, but you have to have 2 modems. Listed below is some instructions onhow to go about this.
To establish a multilink connection on a Windows 98 system:
1. Click the Start button and selectPrograms/Accessories/Communications/Dial-Up Networking.
2. Right-click your Internet connection icon and choose Properties.
If you don't have a connection already configured, double-click Make NewConnection, type multilink, and select your fastest modem (if there's adifference). In the next window, enter your ISP's access number and click OK.Right-click the resulting icon and choose Properties.
3. Select the Multilink tab. Click Use Additional Devices and select your secondmodem, listed in the window below. Type in the phone number the second modemwill dial (it may be the same as the first number; your ISP will tell you).

That'sall you need to do!
Just dial in and enjoy the ride!

Your Internet speed is consistently slower than you would prefer. Maybe it's time to try a few modem tweaks to improve your online connectivity. First we'll start with a few cable modem tweaks. Then we'll help those who are still using a 56k connection by showing you some dialup modem tweaks further below.

How to Tweak a Cable Modem


Due to its' popularity, high speed cable Internet is becoming congested in many neighborhoods. Of course, the Cable ISP's are constantly upgrading their networks trying to improve performance. However, you can learn a few cable modem tips and tweaks which may help you to speed up your cable Internet, at least a little bit.

Reset Your Modem by Unplugging Overnight

Sometimes your cable modem configuration can become corrupted. Removing the power from it will cause a reset. Usually unplugging for 1 minute will cause the cable modem to reset. However, if you unplug it overnight, you may get the added benefit of being assigned a new IP address by your ISP - which may help to alleviate any previous problems you had with the IP you were previously using.


Internet Connection Speed Hack Download Free

Cable Splitters Destroy Internet Speed

Another installation problem is the dreaded splitter. From your main cable box outside, you should have a direct cable line to your cable modem. If your line is split to a TV anywhere along the way, you will have reduced Internet performance. If this is the case, try to disconnect the splitter and use another line (split off another TV run perhaps) for the disconnected TV. If there's no other line available, contact your ISP and ask for a direct line to the modem, and if they agree - it should be free, but there are no guarantees.

Cable Installers Usually Take The Long Road

If your cable installer runs the wire through an unnecessary long path to your cable modem - you may be getting an interference laden connection - especially if it runs alongside power cords, near electrical wires, or passes by a static-causing device such as an amplifier. If you're a do-it-yourselfer, you may want to get the shortest quality cable wire for the job and re-route it through the basement or another shorter route. Whether or not your cable company will approve of this is left for you to ponder.


Check Your Cable Modem Configuration in Your Browser

Visit the following URL in your web browser to check your Cable Modem settings.

Please keep in mind that different cable modem models vary and the levels may be slightly different for your particular modem. Here is a general rule of thumb for the best levels for a cable modem.

Downstream SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) should be in the 33 to 39 dB range.
Downstream power level should be in the -6.0 to -7.0 dBmV range.
Upstream power level should be in the 45.0 to 53.0 dBmV range.

Always consider upgrading your modem if you have an older one. I recently changed to a DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem from an older DOCSIS 2.0 and it has made a magical difference in my Internet connectivity. I used to get annoying stutters every few minutes on Netflix, but now it plays smooth as silk with my new DOC 3 modem with a built in router. That's another thing... having the cable modem and router together as one unit, subtracts that extra speed zapping cable from your modem to your router.

How to Tweak a Dialup Modem

Dialup modems come in various speeds including 28, 33, and 56K. Here's a few dialup modem tweaks to help you get better speed rates out of your Internet connection.

Device Manager Dialup Modem Tweak

In the Windows Control Panel, open the Device Manager. Open the Modem entry, and double-click on your dialup modem model. Once the Properties opens, select the Modem tab in the Properties window. most 56K modems will be set at 57,600 bits per second. You can try to set your Maximum Speed (Port Speed) to 115,200. You should experience a slightly better Internet connection speed with the new 115,200 bps value. You may have to restart your PC for the change to take effect within Windows.


All Dialup ISP's Have Different Connection Speeds

Internet Connection Speed Hack Download

Do your research on all of your local service providers to get the best connection speed possible out of your dialup modem. Ask friends or if a dialup service offers a free trial period, give it a go and see if it's better than your existing service. Be careful though, some free trials require a credit card and they will automatically bill you, if you don't cancel after the free period.

Change Your Dialup Modem Access Number

Most areas will receive a few local numbers they can use to connect to their dialup providers. Try all of them and test to see if one performs better than others. Be weary of numbers that will cause long distance charges to appear on your phone bill.


Further Improve Your Cable and Dialup Speed

The secret to downloading files faster with cable Internet or any connection for that matter, is to schedule your large downloads for overnight retrieval. This is an obvious solution that constantly gets overlooked. The Internet is extremely congested during the day and early evenings. Use the twilight hours and you will find the download speed to be optimal.

There are many more tweaks that require some knowledge of your registry. It is far beyond the scope of this simple modem tweak page to dig into the inner workings of the registry. All of these very sensitive registry settings are very important for optimization. However, due to the great potential for disaster, we highly recommend you do not try to edit your registry. Just changing one value incorrectly within the registry, can cause your computer to behave miserably. In some cases, the PC will no longer reboot. A much better option is the internet optimizer software solutions which automatically perform registry tweaking among its long list of optimizing routines.

Easier than tweaking your modem, Internet optimizer software works extremely well with all connections including Cable, Fiber, DSL, and Dialup. They include extremely advanced routines that can boost your Net speed up to 300%. Of course, it is also much safer, and miles more effective, than punching values into your registry or using hack files.

SpeedupNew (a collaborative effort by our team)

Internet Connection Speed Hack Download Windows

All of our writers have over a decade of experience reviewing software, tweaking, and just flat out enjoying their computers. We treasure our PC's just like you do. We're here to help you get the most out of your computer.